anonymous_namespace{actors.cpp} | |
CheckActorCommanded | |
anonymous_namespace{aicombat.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{aicombataction.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{aitravel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{animation.cpp} | |
RemoveParticlesVisitor | Removes all particle systems and related nodes in a subgraph |
NodeMapVisitor | |
RemoveVisitor | Base class for visitors that remove nodes from a scene graph. Subclasses need to fill the mToRemove vector. To use, node->accept(removeVisitor); removeVisitor.remove(); |
RemoveDrawableVisitor | |
RemoveTriBipVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{birth.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{buffercache.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{bulletdebugdraw.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{bulletnifloader.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{camera.cpp} | |
UpdateRenderCameraCallback | |
anonymous_namespace{cellstore.cpp} | |
SearchByRefNumVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{character.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{charactercreation.cpp} | |
Step | |
ClassPoint | |
anonymous_namespace{class.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{columns.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{combat.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{companionitemmodel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{companionwindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{constrainedfilestream.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{containeritemmodel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{containerstore.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{converter.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{convertscri.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{creature.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{debugwindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{dialogue.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{engine.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{fontloader.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{generator.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{globalmap.cpp} | |
CameraUpdateGlobalCallback | |
anonymous_namespace{idcompletionmanager.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{idtableproxymodel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{imagemanager.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{importer.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{infotableproxymodel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{inventorywindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{itemwidget.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{journalbooks.cpp} | |
AddContent | |
AddSpan | |
AddEntry | |
AddJournalEntry | |
AddTopicEntry | |
AddTopicName | |
AddQuestName | |
anonymous_namespace{journalwindow.cpp} | |
JournalWindowImpl | |
AddNamesToList | |
DisplayState | |
SetNamesInactive | |
anonymous_namespace{lightcontroller.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{loadcell.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{loadmgef.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{localmap.cpp} | |
CameraLocalUpdateCallback | |
anonymous_namespace{localscripts.cpp} | |
AddScriptsVisitor | |
AddContainerItemScriptsVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{magiceffectcheck.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{manager.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{manualref.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{mapwindow.cpp} | |
MarkerWidget | A widget that changes its color when hovered |
anonymous_namespace{mechanicsmanagerimp.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{miscextensions.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{nifloader.cpp} | |
FrameSwitch | |
BillboardCallback | |
UpdateMorphGeometry | |
StaticBoundingBoxCallback | |
anonymous_namespace{npc.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{npcanimation.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{object.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{openal_output.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{pathfinding.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{pathgrid.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{projectilemanager.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{race.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{record.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{refdata.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{resourcehelpers.cpp} | |
MatchPathSeparator | |
anonymous_namespace{review.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{ripplesimulation.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{scene.cpp} | |
InsertVisitor | |
AdjustPositionVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{scenemanager.cpp} | |
InitWorldSpaceParticlesVisitor | |
anonymous_namespace{scripttest.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{scrollwindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{sdlcursormanager.cpp} | |
MyGraphicsContext | |
anonymous_namespace{selectwrapper.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{settings.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{settingswindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{sky.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{sortfilteritemmodel.cpp} | |
Compare | |
anonymous_namespace{spellcreationdialog.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{spellmodel.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{statsextensions.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{store.cpp} | |
GetRecords | |
Compare | |
anonymous_namespace{tablemimedata.cpp} | |
Mapping | |
anonymous_namespace{terraingrid.cpp} | |
StaticBoundingBoxCallback | |
anonymous_namespace{tradewindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{trainingwindow.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{universalid.cpp} | |
TypeData | |
anonymous_namespace{variant.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{weather.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{weatherstate.cpp} | |
anonymous_namespace{worldimp.cpp} | |
boost | |
Bsa | |
BSAFile | |
FileStruct | Represents one file entry in the archive |
iltstr | Case insensitive string comparison |
Compiler | Script compiler |
Ai | |
Animation | |
Cell | |
Console | |
Container | |
Control | |
Dialogue | |
Generator | |
Gui | |
Misc | |
Sky | |
Sound | |
Stats | |
Transformation | |
User | |
Context | |
ControlParser | |
DeclarationParser | |
DiscardParser | Parse a single optional numeric value or string and discard it |
ErrorHandler | Error handling |
ErrorDowngrade | |
SourceException | Exception: Error while parsing the source |
FileException | Exception: File error |
EOFException | Exception: EOF condition encountered |
ExprParser | |
Extensions | Collection of compiler extensions |
Function | |
Instruction | |
FileParser | |
JunkParser | Parse an optional single junk token |
LineParser | Line parser, to be used in console scripts and as part of ScriptParser |
GetArgumentsFromMessageFormat | |
Literals | Literal values |
Locals | Local variable declarations |
NullErrorHandler | Error handler implementation: Ignore all error messages |
Output | |
Parser | Parser base class |
QuickFileParser | File parser variant that ignores everything but variable declarations |
Scanner | Scanner |
ScriptParser | |
SkipParser | |
StreamErrorHandler | Error handler implementation: Write errors into stream |
StringParser | |
TokenLoc | Location of a token in a source file |
Config | |
GameSettings | |
LauncherSettings | |
SettingsBase | |
ContentSelectorModel | |
ContentModel | |
EsmFile | |
LoadOrderError | Details of a suspected Load Order problem a plug-in will have. This is basically a POD |
ModelItem | |
ContentSelectorView | |
ComboBox | |
ContentSelector | |
CS | |
Editor | |
CSMDoc | |
Blacklist | ID blacklist sorted by UniversalId type |
Document | |
DocumentManager | |
Loader | |
Stage | |
Message | |
Messages | |
Operation | |
OperationHolder | |
Runner | |
SaveWatcher | Watch for end of save operation and restart or stop runner |
Saving | |
OpenSaveStage | |
WriteHeaderStage | |
WriteCollectionStage | |
WriteDialogueCollectionStage | |
WriteRefIdCollectionStage | |
CollectionReferencesStage | |
WriteCellCollectionStage | |
WritePathgridCollectionStage | |
WriteLandCollectionStage | |
WriteLandTextureCollectionStage | |
CloseSaveStage | |
FinalSavingStage | |
SavingState | |
Stage | |
CSMFilter | |
AndNode | |
BooleanNode | |
LeafNode | |
NAryNode | |
Node | Root class for the filter node hierarchy |
NotNode | |
OrNode | |
Token | |
Parser | |
TextNode | |
UnaryNode | |
ValueNode | |
CSMPrefs | |
BoolSetting | |
Category | |
ColourSetting | |
DoubleSetting | |
EnumValue | |
EnumValues | |
EnumSetting | |
IntSetting | |
ModifierSetting | |
Setting | |
Shortcut | A class similar in purpose to QShortcut, but with the ability to use mouse buttons |
ShortcutEventHandler | Users of this class should install it as an event handler |
ShortcutManager | Class used to track and update shortcuts/sequences |
ShortcutSetting | |
State | User settings state |
CSMTools | |
BirthsignCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that birthsign records are internally consistent |
BodyPartCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that body part records are internally consistent |
ClassCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that class records are internally consistent |
FactionCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that faction records are internally consistent |
GmstCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that GMSTs are alright |
JournalCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that journal infos are good |
MagicEffectCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that magic effect records are internally consistent |
MandatoryIdStage | Verify stage: make sure that records with specific IDs exist |
MergeOperation | |
StartMergeStage | |
FinishMergedDocumentStage | |
MergeIdCollectionStage | |
MergeRefIdsStage | |
MergeReferencesStage | |
ListLandTexturesMergeStage | |
MergeLandTexturesStage | |
MergeLandStage | |
MergeState | |
Point | |
PathgridCheckStage | |
RaceCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that race records are internally consistent |
ReferenceableCheckStage | |
ReferenceCheckStage | |
RegionCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that region records are internally consistent |
ReportModel | |
ScriptCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that scripts compile |
Search | |
SearchOperation | |
SearchStage | |
SkillCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that skill records are internally consistent |
SoundCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that sound records are internally consistent |
SoundGenCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that sound gen records are internally consistent |
SpellCheckStage | VerifyStage: make sure that spell records are internally consistent |
StartScriptCheckStage | |
Tools | |
TopicInfoCheckStage | VerifyStage: check topics |
CSMWorld | Class for holding the model. Uses typical qt table abstraction/interface for granting access to the individiual fields of the records, Some records are holding nested data (for instance inventory list of the npc). In cases like this, table model offers interface to access nested data in the qt way - that is specify parent. Since some of those nested data require multiple columns to represent information, single int (default way to index model in the qmodelindex) is not sufficiant. Therefore tablemodelindex class can hold two ints for the sake of indexing two dimensions of the table. This model does not support multiple levels of the nested data. Vast majority of methods makes sense only for the top level data |
Columns | |
ColumnDesc | |
DefaultGmsts | |
SubCellCollection | Single type collection of top level records that are associated with cells |
Cell | Wrapper for Cell record |
CellCoordinates | |
CellSelection | Selection of cells in a paged worldspace |
IdAccessor | Access to ID field in records |
Collection | Single-type record collection |
CollectionBase | Base class for record collections |
ColumnBase | |
NestableColumn | |
Column | |
NestedParentColumn | |
NestedChildColumn | |
FloatValueColumn | |
StringIdColumn | |
RecordStateColumn | |
FixedRecordTypeColumn | |
VarTypeColumn | |
VarValueColumn | |
DescriptionColumn | |
SpecialisationColumn | |
UseValueColumn | |
AttributeColumn | |
NameColumn | |
AttributesColumn | |
SkillsColumn | |
PlayableColumn | |
HiddenColumn | |
FlagColumn | |
FlagColumn2 | |
WeightHeightColumn | |
SoundParamColumn | |
SoundFileColumn | |
MapColourColumn | |
SleepListColumn | |
TextureColumn | |
SpellTypeColumn | |
CostColumn | |
ScriptColumn | |
RegionColumn | |
CellColumn | |
OriginalCellColumn | |
IdColumn | |
ScaleColumn | |
OwnerColumn | |
SoulColumn | |
FactionColumn | |
FactionIndexColumn | |
ChargesColumn | |
EnchantmentChargesColumn | |
GoldValueColumn | |
TeleportColumn | |
TeleportCellColumn | |
LockLevelColumn | |
KeyColumn | |
TrapColumn | |
FilterColumn | |
PosColumn | |
RotColumn | |
DialogueTypeColumn | |
QuestStatusTypeColumn | |
QuestDescriptionColumn | |
QuestIndexColumn | |
TopicColumn | |
ActorColumn | |
RaceColumn | |
ClassColumn | |
PcFactionColumn | |
ResponseColumn | |
DispositionColumn | |
RankColumn | |
PcRankColumn | |
GenderColumn | |
EnchantmentTypeColumn | |
ChargesColumn2 | |
AutoCalcColumn | |
ModelColumn | |
VampireColumn | |
BodyPartTypeColumn | |
MeshTypeColumn | |
OwnerGlobalColumn | |
RefNumCounterColumn | |
RefNumColumn | |
SoundColumn | |
CreatureColumn | |
SoundGeneratorTypeColumn | |
BaseCostColumn | |
SchoolColumn | |
EffectTextureColumn | |
EffectObjectColumn | |
EffectSoundColumn | |
FormatColumn | |
AuthorColumn | |
FileDescriptionColumn | |
BodyPartRaceColumn | |
CommandDispatcher | |
CommandMacro | |
ModifyCommand | |
CreateCommand | |
CloneCommand | |
RevertCommand | |
DeleteCommand | |
ReorderRowsCommand | |
CreatePathgridCommand | |
UpdateCellCommand | Update cell ID according to x/y-coordinates |
NestedTableStoring | |
DeleteNestedCommand | |
AddNestedCommand | |
Data | |
IdCollection | Single type collection of top level records |
IdCompletionManager | Creates and stores all ID completers |
IdTable | |
IdTableBase | |
IdTableProxyModel | |
IdTree | |
Info | |
InfoCollection | |
ConstInfoSelectWrapper | |
InfoSelectWrapper | |
InfoTableProxyModel | |
Land | Wrapper for Land record. Encodes X and Y cell index in the ID |
LandTexture | Wrapper for LandTexture record, providing info which plugin the LandTexture was loaded from |
MetaData | |
PathgridPointListAdapter | |
PathgridEdgeListAdapter | |
FactionReactionsAdapter | |
RegionSoundListAdapter | |
SpellListAdapter | |
EffectsListAdapter | |
InfoListAdapter | |
InfoConditionAdapter | |
RaceAttributeAdapter | |
RaceSkillsBonusAdapter | |
CellListAdapter | |
RegionWeatherAdapter | |
NestedCollection | |
Record | |
NestedColumnAdapter | |
NestedIdCollection | |
NestedInfoCollection | |
NestedTableProxyModel | |
NestedTableWrapperBase | |
NestedTableWrapper | |
Pathgrid | Wrapper for Pathgrid record |
RecordBase | |
CellRef | Wrapper for CellRef sub record |
RefCollection | References in cells |
RefIdAdapter | |
NestedRefIdAdapterBase | |
BaseColumns | |
BaseRefIdAdapter | Base adapter for all refereceable record types Adapters that can handle nested tables, needs to return valid qvariant for parent columns |
ModelColumns | |
ModelRefIdAdapter | Adapter for IDs with models (all but levelled lists) |
NameColumns | |
NameRefIdAdapter | Adapter for IDs with names (all but levelled lists and statics) |
InventoryColumns | |
InventoryRefIdAdapter | Adapter for IDs that can go into an inventory |
PotionColumns | |
PotionRefIdAdapter | |
IngredientColumns | |
IngredientRefIdAdapter | |
IngredEffectRefIdAdapter | |
EnchantableColumns | |
EnchantableRefIdAdapter | Adapter for enchantable IDs |
ToolColumns | |
ToolRefIdAdapter | Adapter for tools with limited uses IDs (lockpick, repair, probes) |
ActorColumns | |
ActorRefIdAdapter | Adapter for actor IDs (handles common AI functionality) |
ApparatusRefIdAdapter | |
ArmorRefIdAdapter | |
BookRefIdAdapter | |
ClothingRefIdAdapter | |
ContainerRefIdAdapter | |
CreatureColumns | |
CreatureRefIdAdapter | |
DoorRefIdAdapter | |
LightColumns | |
LightRefIdAdapter | |
MiscRefIdAdapter | |
NpcColumns | |
NpcRefIdAdapter | |
WeaponColumns | |
WeaponRefIdAdapter | |
NpcAttributesRefIdAdapter | |
NpcSkillsRefIdAdapter | |
NpcMiscRefIdAdapter | |
CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter | |
CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter | |
CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter | |
EffectsRefIdAdapter | |
NestedInventoryRefIdAdapter | |
NestedSpellRefIdAdapter | |
NestedTravelRefIdAdapter | |
ActorAiRefIdAdapter | |
BodyPartRefIdAdapter | |
LevListColumns | |
LevelledListRefIdAdapter | |
NestedListLevListRefIdAdapter | |
NestedLevListRefIdAdapter | |
RefIdColumn | |
RefIdCollection | |
RefIdDataContainerBase | |
RefIdDataContainer | |
RefIdData | |
RegionMap | Model for the region map |
CellDescription | |
Resources | |
ResourcesManager | |
ResourceTable | |
ScriptContext | |
TableMimeData | Subclass of QmimeData, augmented to contain and transport UniversalIds |
UniversalId | |
CSVDoc | |
AdjusterWidget | |
FileDialog | |
FileWidget | |
GlobalDebugProfileMenu | |
LoadingDocument | |
Loader | |
NewGameDialogue | |
Operation | |
Operations | |
RunLogSubView | |
SizeHintWidget | |
StartupDialogue | |
SubView | |
SubViewFactoryBase | |
SubViewFactoryManager | |
SubViewFactory | |
SubViewFactoryWithCreator | |
View | |
ViewManager | |
CSVFilter | |
EditWidget | |
FilterBox | |
RecordFilterBox | |
CSVPrefs | |
Dialogue | |
KeyBindingPage | |
Page | |
PageBase | |
CSVRender | |
CameraController | |
FreeCameraController | |
OrbitCameraController | |
Cell | |
CellArrowTag | |
CellArrow | |
CellBorder | |
CellMarkerTag | |
CellMarker | Marker to display cell coordinates |
CellWater | |
EditMode | |
InstanceMode | |
InstanceMoveMode | |
InstanceSelectionMode | |
Lighting | |
LightingBright | |
LightingDay | |
LightingNight | |
ObjectTag | |
ObjectMarkerTag | |
Object | |
OrbitCameraMode | |
PagedWorldspaceWidget | |
PathgridNodeCallback | |
PathgridTag | |
Pathgrid | |
PathgridMode | |
PathgridSelectionMode | |
PreviewWidget | |
RenderWidget | |
SceneWidget | Extension of RenderWidget to support lighting mode selection & toolbar |
CompositeViewer | |
SelectionMode | |
TagBase | |
TerrainStorage | A bridge between the terrain component and OpenCS's terrain data storage |
UnpagedWorldspaceWidget | |
WorldspaceHitResult | |
WorldspaceWidget | |
CSVTools | |
Merge | |
ReportSubView | |
RichTextDelegate | |
ReportTable | |
SearchBox | |
SearchSubView | |
CSVWidget | |
ColorEditor | |
ColorPickerPopup | |
CompleterPopup | |
DropLineEdit | |
ModeButton | Specialist PushButton of Type_Mode for use in SceneToolMode |
PushButton | |
SceneTool | Tool base class |
SceneToolbar | |
SceneToolMode | Mode selector tool |
SceneToolRun | |
SceneToolToggle | Multi-Toggle tool |
ButtonDesc | |
SceneToolToggle2 | Multi-Toggle tool |
ButtonDesc | |
CSVWorld | |
DragDropUtils | |
CellCreator | |
ColorDelegate | |
ColorDelegateFactory | |
Creator | Record creator UI base class |
CreatorFactoryBase | Base class for Creator factory |
NullCreatorFactory | Creator factory that does not produces any creator |
CreatorFactory | |
DataDisplayDelegate | |
DataDisplayDelegateFactory | |
DialogueCreator | |
TopicCreatorFactory | |
JournalCreatorFactory | |
DialogueSpinBox | |
DialogueDoubleSpinBox | |
NotEditableSubDelegate | |
DialogueDelegateDispatcherProxy | |
refWrapper | |
DialogueDelegateDispatcher | |
IdContextMenu | A context menu with "Edit 'ID'" action for editors in the dialogue subview |
EditWidget | |
SimpleDialogueSubView | |
DialogueSubView | |
DragRecordTable | |
EnumDelegate | Integer value that represents an enum and is interacted with via a combobox |
EnumDelegateFactory | |
ExtendedCommandConfigurator | |
GenericCreator | |
GlobalCreator | |
IdCompletionDelegate | Enables the Id completion for a column |
IdCompletionDelegateFactory | |
IdTypeDelegate | |
IdTypeDelegateFactory | |
IdValidator | |
InfoCreator | |
InfoCreatorFactory | |
NestedTable | |
PathgridCreator | Record creator for pathgrids |
PreviewSubView | |
RecordButtonBar | Button bar for use in dialogue-type subviews |
RecordStatusDelegate | |
RecordStatusDelegateFactory | |
ReferenceableCreator | |
ReferenceCreator | |
ReferenceCreatorFactory | |
RegionMap | |
RegionMapSubView | |
SceneSubView | |
ScriptEdit | Editor for scripts |
ChangeLock | |
LineNumberArea | |
ScriptErrorTable | |
ScriptHighlighter | |
ScriptSubView | |
StartScriptCreator | Record creator for start scripts |
StartScriptCreatorFactory | Creator factory for start script record creator |
Table | Table widget |
TableBottomBox | |
TableEditIdAction | |
TableSubView | |
NastyTableModelHack | Getting the data out of an editor widget |
CommandDelegateFactory | |
CommandDelegateFactoryCollection | Use commands instead of manipulating the model directly |
CommandDelegate | |
VarTypeDelegate | |
VarTypeDelegateFactory | |
ESM | ESM/ESP records |
AiSequence | |
AiPackage | |
AiWanderData | |
AiWanderDuration | |
AiTravelData | |
AiEscortData | |
AiWander | |
AiTravel | |
AiEscort | |
AiFollow | |
AiActivate | |
AiCombat | |
AiPursue | |
AiPackageContainer | |
AiSequence | |
StatState | |
ActiveEffect | |
ActiveSpells | |
ActiveSpellParams | |
AIData | |
AIWander | |
AITravel | |
AITarget | |
AIActivate | |
AIPackage | |
AIPackageList | |
AnimationState | |
ScriptedAnimation | |
Attribute | |
CellId | |
CellIndex | |
RefNum | |
CellRef | |
CellState | |
ContainerState | |
ControlsState | |
CreatureLevListState | |
CreatureState | |
CreatureStats | |
CustomMarker | |
DebugProfile | |
TimeStamp | |
Position | |
FourCC | |
DialogueState | |
DoorState | |
ENAMstruct | |
EffectList | EffectList, ENAM subrecord |
ESM_Context | |
ESMReader | |
ESMWriter | |
RecordData | |
Filter | |
FogTexture | |
FogState | |
Bounds | |
GlobalMap | < |
Bounds | |
GlobalScript | Storage structure for global script state (only used in saved games) |
InventoryState | State for inventories and containers |
JournalEntry | |
Activator | |
Potion | |
ALDTstruct | |
Apparatus | |
AADTstruct | |
PartReference | |
PartReferenceList | |
Armor | |
AODTstruct | |
BodyPart | |
BYDTstruct | |
Book | |
BKDTstruct | |
BirthSign | |
MovedCellRef | |
CellRefTrackerPredicate | |
Cell | |
AMBIstruct | |
DATAstruct | |
Class | |
CLDTstruct | |
Clothing | |
CTDTstruct | |
ContItem | |
InventoryList | InventoryList, NPCO subrecord |
Container | |
Creature | |
NPDTstruct | |
Dialogue | |
Door | |
Enchantment | |
ENDTstruct | |
RankData | |
Faction | |
FADTstruct | |
Global | |
GameSetting | |
DialInfo | |
DATAstruct | |
SelectStruct | |
Ingredient | |
IRDTstruct | |
Land | |
LandData | |
VHGT | |
LevelledListBase | |
LevelItem | |
CreatureLevList | |
ItemLevList | |
Light | |
LHDTstruct | |
Lockpick | |
Data | |
LandTexture | |
FindSecond | |
MagicEffect | |
MEDTstruct | |
Miscellaneous | |
MCDTstruct | |
NPC | |
NPDTstruct12 | |
NPDTstruct52 | |
Pathgrid | |
DATAstruct | |
Edge | |
Point | |
Probe | |
Data | |
Race | |
MaleFemale | |
MaleFemaleF | |
RADTstruct | |
SkillBonus | |
Region | |
SoundRef | |
WEATstruct | |
Repair | |
Data | |
Script | |
SCHD | |
SCHDstruct | |
Skill | |
SKDTstruct | |
SoundGenerator | |
SOUNstruct | |
Sound | |
Spell | |
SPDTstruct | |
StartScript | |
Static | |
Header | File header record |
Data | |
GMDT | |
MasterData | |
Weapon | |
WPDTstruct | |
Locals | Storage structure for local variables (only used in saved games) |
MagicEffects | |
NpcState | |
NpcStats | |
Faction | |
ObjectState | < |
Player | |
BaseProjectileState | |
MagicBoltState | |
ProjectileState | |
QuestState | |
QuickKeys | |
QuickKey | |
SavedGame | |
TimeStamp | |
SpellList | |
SpellState | |
CorprusStats | |
PermanentSpellEffectInfo | |
SpellParams | |
StolenItems | |
Transport | List of travel service destination. Shared by CREA and NPC_ records |
Dest | |
Quaternion | |
Vector3 | |
Variant | |
VariantDataBase | |
VariantStringData | |
VariantIntegerData | |
VariantFloatData | |
RegionWeatherState | |
WeatherState | |
ESMS | ESM/ESP record store |
ESMTerrain | |
Storage | Feeds data from ESM terrain records (ESM::Land, ESM::LandTexture) into the terrain component, converting it on the fly as needed |
EsmTool | |
Record | |
RecordBase | |
ESSImport | |
MAPH | |
Converter | |
DefaultConverter | Default converter: simply reads the record and writes it unmodified to the output |
ConvertNPC | |
ConvertCREA | |
ConvertGlobal | |
ConvertClass | |
ConvertBook | |
ConvertNPCC | |
ConvertREFR | |
ConvertPCDT | |
ConvertCNTC | |
ConvertCREC | |
ConvertFMAP | |
ConvertCell | |
Cell | |
ConvertKLST | |
ConvertFACT | |
ConvertSTLN | Stolen items |
ConvertINFO | |
ConvertDIAL | |
ConvertQUES | |
ConvertJOUR | |
ConvertGAME | |
ConvertSCPT | Running global script |
ACDT | Actor data, shared by (at least) REFR and CellRef |
ACSC | |
ANIS | |
ActorData | |
CellRef | |
CNTC | Changed container contents |
CREC | Creature changes |
DIAL | |
File | |
Record | |
Subrecord | |
Importer | |
Context | |
GAME | Weather data |
GMDT | |
INFO | |
Inventory | |
InventoryItem | |
JOUR | Journal |
KLST | Kill Stats |
NPCC | |
NPDT | |
REFR | Player-agnostic player data |
PCDT | Other player data |
AADT | |
ENAM | |
FNAM | |
PNAM | |
MarkLocation | |
QUES | |
SCPT | |
SCRI | Local variable assignments for a running script |
Fallback | |
Map | Settings imported from the Morrowind INI file |
FallbackMap | |
FileFinder | Linux/Windows-path resolving |
Files | |
Collections | |
ConfigurationManager | |
ConstrainedFileStreamBuf | |
ConstrainedFileStream | A file stream constrained to a specific region in the file, specified by the 'start' and 'length' parameters |
escape_hash_filter | |
unescape_hash_filter | |
EscapeHashString | |
EscapeStringVector | |
EscapePath | |
FixedPath | |
MemBuf | |
IMemStream | A variant of std::istream that reads from a constant in-memory buffer |
NameEqual | |
NameLess | |
MultiDirCollection | File collection across several directories |
Gui | |
Point | |
GlyphInfo | |
FontLoader | Loads Morrowind's .fnt/.tex fonts for use with MyGUI and OSG |
AutoSizedWidget | |
AutoSizedTextBox | |
AutoSizedEditBox | |
AutoSizedButton | |
Box | A container widget that automatically sizes its children |
HBox | |
VBox | |
ImageButton | Allows using different image textures depending on the button state |
MWList | Very simple list widget that supports word-wrapping entries |
NumericEditBox | A variant of the EditBox that only allows integer inputs |
SharedStateButton | A button that applies its own state changes to other widgets, to do this you define it as part of a ButtonGroup |
WindowCaption | |
ICS | |
Interpreter | Script interpreter |
Context | |
OpReturn | |
OpSkipZero | |
OpSkipNonZero | |
OpJumpForward | |
OpJumpBackward | |
OpPushInt | |
OpIntToFloat | |
OpFloatToInt | |
OpNegateInt | |
OpNegateFloat | |
OpIntToFloat1 | |
OpFloatToInt1 | |
Interpreter | |
OpStoreLocalShort | |
OpStoreLocalLong | |
OpStoreLocalFloat | |
OpFetchIntLiteral | |
OpFetchFloatLiteral | |
OpFetchLocalShort | |
OpFetchLocalLong | |
OpFetchLocalFloat | |
OpStoreGlobalShort | |
OpStoreGlobalLong | |
OpStoreGlobalFloat | |
OpFetchGlobalShort | |
OpFetchGlobalLong | |
OpFetchGlobalFloat | |
OpStoreMemberShort | |
OpStoreMemberLong | |
OpStoreMemberFloat | |
OpFetchMemberShort | |
OpFetchMemberLong | |
OpFetchMemberFloat | |
OpAddInt | |
OpSubInt | |
OpMulInt | |
OpDivInt | |
OpSquareRoot | |
OpCompare | |
RuntimeMessageFormatter | |
OpMessageBox | |
OpReport | |
OpMenuMode | |
OpRandom | |
OpGetSecondsPassed | |
OpEnable | |
OpDisable | |
OpGetDisabled | |
OpEnableExplicit | |
OpDisableExplicit | |
OpGetDisabledExplicit | |
Opcode0 | Opcode for 0 arguments |
Opcode1 | Opcode for 1 argument |
Opcode2 | Opcode for 2 arguments |
Runtime | Runtime data and engine interface |
OpScriptRunning | |
OpStartScript | |
OpStartScriptExplicit | |
OpStopScript | |
OpGetDistance | |
OpGetDistanceExplicit | |
Data | |
Launcher | |
DataFilesPage | |
PathIterator | |
GraphicsPage | |
MainDialog | |
PlayPage | |
SettingsPage | |
TextSlotMsgBox | |
TextInputDialog | |
Loading | |
Listener | |
ScopedLoad | Used for stopping a loading sequence when the object goes out of scope |
Misc | |
ResourceHelpers | |
MessageFormatParser | |
Rng | |
StringUtils | |
ci | |
MWBase | |
DialogueManager | Interface for dialogue manager (implemented in MWDialogue) |
Environment | Central hub for mw-subsystems |
InputManager | Interface for input manager (implemented in MWInput) |
Journal | Interface for the player's journal (implemented in MWDialogue) |
MechanicsManager | Interface for game mechanics manager (implemented in MWMechanics) |
ScriptManager | Interface for script manager (implemented in MWScript) |
SoundManager | Interface for sound manager (implemented in MWSound) |
StateManager | Interface for game state manager (implemented in MWState) |
WindowManager | Interface for widnow manager (implemented in MWGui) |
World | Interface for the World (implemented in MWWorld) |
DoorMarker | |
MWClass | Workaround for non-OOP design of the record system |
Activator | |
Actor | Class holding functionality common to Creature and NPC |
Apparatus | |
Armor | |
BodyPart | |
Book | |
Clothing | |
ContainerCustomData | |
Container | |
CreatureCustomData | |
Creature | |
GMST | |
CreatureLevListCustomData | |
CreatureLevList | |
DoorCustomData | |
Door | |
Ingredient | |
ItemLevList | |
Light | |
Lockpick | |
Miscellaneous | |
NpcCustomData | |
Npc | |
GMST | |
Potion | |
Probe | |
Repair | |
Static | |
Weapon | |
MWDialogue | NPC dialogues |
HyperTextParser | |
Token | |
ScriptTest | |
DialogueManager | |
Filter | |
Entry | Basic quest/dialogue/topic entry |
JournalEntry | A dialogue entry |
StampedJournalEntry | A quest entry with a timestamp |
Journal | The player's journal |
KeywordSearch | |
Entry | |
Match | |
Quest | A quest in progress or a completed quest |
SelectWrapper | |
Topic | Collection of seen responses for a topic |
MWGui | |
anonymous_namespace{bookpage.cpp} | |
RenderXform | |
GlyphStream | |
Controllers | |
ControllerRepeatEvent | |
ControllerFollowMouse | Automatically positions a widget below the mouse cursor |
Formatting | |
TextStyle | |
BlockStyle | |
BookTextParser | |
Paginator | |
BookFormatter | Utilities for parsing book/scroll text as mygui widgets |
GraphicElement | |
TextElement | |
ImageElement | |
Widgets | |
SpellEffectParams | |
MWSkill | |
MWAttribute | |
MWSpell | |
MWEffectList | |
MWSpellEffect | |
MWDynamicStat | |
MWScrollBar | |
AlchemyWindow | |
BackgroundImage | A variant of MyGUI::ImageBox with aspect ratio correction using black bars |
BirthDialog | |
TypesetBookImpl | |
Line | |
Run | |
Section | |
StyleImpl | |
Typesetter | |
PartialText | |
PageDisplay | |
CreateActiveFormat | |
RenderRun | |
TextFormat | |
BookPageImpl | |
TypesetBook | |
BookTypesetter | A factory class for creating a typeset book instance |
Style | |
BookPage | An interface to the BookPage widget |
BookWindow | |
CharacterCreation | |
InfoBoxDialog | |
ClassChoiceDialog | |
GenerateClassResultDialog | |
PickClassDialog | |
SelectSpecializationDialog | |
SelectAttributeDialog | |
SelectSkillDialog | |
DescriptionDialog | |
CreateClassDialog | |
CompanionItemModel | The companion item model keeps track of the companion's profit by monitoring which items are being added to and removed from the model |
CompanionWindow | |
ConfirmationDialog | |
ConsoleInterpreterContext | |
Console | |
ContainerWindow | |
ContainerItemModel | The container item model supports multiple item sources, which are needed for making NPCs sell items from containers owned by them |
CountDialog | |
ResourceImageSetPointerFix | |
DebugWindow | |
PersuasionDialog | |
Link | |
Topic | |
Choice | |
Goodbye | |
DialogueText | |
Response | |
Message | |
DialogueWindow | |
DragAndDrop | |
EnchantingDialog | |
ExposedWindow | Subclass to provide access to some Widget internals |
WorldItemModel | |
HUD | |
InventoryItemModel | |
InventoryWindow | |
ItemChargeView | |
Line | |
ItemStack | A single item stack managed by an item model |
ItemModel | The base class that all item models should derive from |
ProxyItemModel | A proxy item model can be used to filter or rearrange items from a source model (or even add new items to it). The neat thing is that this does not actually alter the source model |
ItemSelectionDialog | |
ItemView | |
ItemWidget | A widget that shows an icon for an MWWorld::Ptr |
JailScreen | |
JournalBooks | |
JournalViewModelImpl | |
BaseEntry | |
JournalEntryImpl | |
TopicEntryImpl | |
JournalViewModel | |
Entry | The base interface for both journal entries and topics |
JournalEntry | An interface to journal data |
TopicEntry | An interface to topic data |
JournalWindow | |
Layout | |
LevelupDialog | |
CopyFramebufferToTextureCallback | |
LoadingScreen | |
MainMenu | |
CustomMarkerCollection | |
LocalMapBase | |
MarkerUserData | |
EditNoteDialog | |
MapWindow | |
MerchantRepair | |
MessageBoxManager | |
MessageBox | |
InteractiveMessageBox | |
PickpocketItemModel | The pickpocket item model randomly hides item stacks based on a specified chance. Equipped items are always hidden |
QuickKeysMenu | |
QuickKeysMenuAssign | |
MagicSelectionDialog | |
RaceDialog | |
Recharge | |
ReferenceInterface | This class is intended for GUI interfaces that access an MW-Reference for example dialogue window accesses an NPC, or Container window accesses a Container these classes have to be automatically closed if the reference becomes unavailable make sure that checkReferenceAvailable() is called every frame and that onReferenceUnavailable() has been overridden |
Repair | |
ReviewDialog | |
SaveGameDialog | |
FadeOp | |
ScreenFader | |
ScrollWindow | |
SettingsWindow | |
SortFilterItemModel | |
SoulgemDialog | |
SpellBuyingWindow | |
EditEffectDialog | |
EffectEditorBase | |
SpellCreationDialog | |
MagicEffectInfo | |
EffectSourceVisitor | |
SpellIcons | |
Spell | |
SpellModel | Model that lists all usable powers, spells and enchanted items for an actor |
SpellView | Displays a SpellModel in a list widget |
LineInfo | Tracks a row in the spell view |
SpellWindow | |
StatsWindow | |
TextInputDialog | |
TimeAdvancer | |
ToolTipInfo | |
ToolTips | |
TradeItemModel | An item model that allows 'borrowing' items from another item model. Used for previewing barter offers. Also filters items that the merchant does not sell |
TradeWindow | |
TrainingWindow | |
TravelWindow | |
VideoWidget | |
WaitDialogProgressBar | |
WaitDialog | |
WindowBase | |
WindowModal | |
NoDrop | |
WindowManager | |
WindowPinnableBase | |
MWGUI | HUD and windows |
MWInput | User input and character controls |
InputManager | Class that handles all input and key bindings for OpenMW |
MWMechanics | Game mechanics and NPC-AI |
DynamicStat | |
ActiveSpells | Lasting spell effects |
ActiveSpellParams | |
Actor | Holds temporary state for an actor that will be discarded when the actor leaves the scene |
SoulTrap | |
ExpiryVisitor | |
Actors | |
AiActivate | Causes actor to walk to activatable object and activate it |
AiAvoidDoor | AiPackage to have an actor avoid an opening door |
AiCombatStorage | This class holds the variables AiCombat needs which are deleted if the package becomes inactive |
AiCombat | Causes the actor to fight another actor |
Action | |
ActionFlee | |
ActionSpell | |
ActionEnchantedItem | |
ActionPotion | |
ActionWeapon | |
AiEscort | AI Package to have an NPC lead the player to a specific point |
AiFace | AiPackage which makes an actor face a certain direction |
AiFollowStorage | |
AiFollow | AiPackage for an actor to follow another actor/the PC |
AiPackage | Base class for AI packages |
AiPursue | Makes the actor very closely follow the actor |
DerivedClassStorage | Stores one object of any class derived from Base. Requesting a certain derived class via get() either returns the stored object if it has the correct type or otherwise replaces it with an object of the requested type |
AiSequence | Sequence of AI-packages for a single actor |
AiTemporaryBase | Base class for the temporary storage of AiPackages |
AiTravel | Causes the AI to travel to the specified point |
AiWanderStorage | This class holds the variables AiWander needs which are deleted if the package becomes inactive |
AiWander | Causes the Actor to wander within a specified range |
Alchemy | Potion creation via alchemy skill |
SchoolCaps | |
StateInfo | |
FindCharState | |
WeaponInfo | |
FindWeaponType | |
CharacterController | |
AnimationQueueEntry | |
CoordinateConverter | Convert coordinates between world and local cell |
CreatureStats | Common creature stats |
Enchanting | |
EffectKey | |
EffectParam | |
EffectSourceVisitor | |
MagicEffects | Effects currently affecting a NPC or creature |
MechanicsManager | |
Movement | Desired movement for an actor |
NpcStats | Additional stats for NPCs |
Objects | |
ObstacleCheck | |
PathFinder | |
PathgridGraph | |
ConnectedPoint | |
Node | |
Pickpocket | |
Repair | |
Security | Implementation of Security skill |
CastSpell | |
Spells | Spell list |
CorprusStats | |
SpellParams | |
Stat | |
AttributeValue | |
SkillValue | |
UpdateSummonedCreatures | |
Trading | |
MWPhysics | |
PtrHolder | |
Actor | |
Stepper | |
MovementSolver | |
HeightField | |
Object | |
DeepestNotMeContactTestResultCallback | |
ClosestNotMeRayResultCallback | |
ContactTestResultCallback | |
PhysicsSystem | |
RayResult | |
ClosestNotMeConvexResultCallback | |
ActorTracer | |
MWRender | Rendering |
ActorAnimation | |
GlowUpdater | |
ResetAccumRootCallback | |
FindLowestUnusedTexUnitVisitor | |
EffectAnimationTime | |
PartHolder | Detaches the node from its parent when the object goes out of scope |
Animation | |
AnimationTime | |
AnimPriority | Holds an animation priority value for each BoneGroup |
AnimSource | |
AnimState | |
EffectParams | |
NullAnimationTime | |
TextKeyListener | |
ObjectAnimation | |
DebugDrawer | |
Camera | Camera control |
CamData | |
CellRender | |
DrawOnceCallback | |
UpdateCameraCallback | |
CharacterPreview | |
InventoryPreview | |
RaceSelectionPreview | |
CreatureAnimation | |
CreatureWeaponAnimation | |
EffectManager | |
Effect | |
Box | |
GlobalMap | |
ImageDest | |
LocalMap | Local map rendering |
MapSegment | |
HeadAnimationTime | |
NeckController | |
DepthClearCallback | A RenderBin callback to clear the depth buffer before rendering |
OverrideFieldOfViewCallback | |
NpcAnimation | |
PtrHolder | |
Objects | |
Pathgrid | |
RenderingInterface | |
StateUpdater | |
PreloadCommonAssetsWorkItem | |
NotifyDrawCompletedCallback | |
RenderingManager | |
RayResult | |
Emitter | |
RippleSimulation | |
RotateController | |
AtmosphereUpdater | |
AtmosphereNightUpdater | |
CloudUpdater | |
CameraRelativeTransform | |
CullCallback | |
ModVertexAlphaVisitor | |
UnderwaterSwitchCallback | Hides the node subgraph if the eye point is below water |
CelestialBody | A base class for the sun and moons |
Sun | |
DummyComputeBoundCallback | |
OcclusionCallback | |
SunFlashCallback | SunFlashCallback handles fading/scaling of a node depending on occlusion query result. Must be attached as a cull callback |
SunGlareCallback | |
Updater | |
Moon | |
Updater | |
RainShooter | |
AlphaFader | |
SetupVisitor | |
RainFader | |
WeatherResult | |
MoonState | |
SkyManager | The SkyManager handles rendering of the sky domes, celestial bodies as well as other objects that need to be rendered relative to the camera (e.g. weather particle effects) |
TerrainStorage | Connects the ESM Store used in OpenMW with the ESMTerrain storage |
TextureOverrideVisitor | |
NoTraverseCallback | |
ClipCullNode | Allows to cull and clip meshes that are below a plane. Useful for reflection & refraction camera effects. Also handles flipping of the plane when the eye point goes below it. To use, simply create the scene as subgraph of this node, then do setPlane(const osg::Plane& plane); |
FlipCallback | |
PlaneCullCallback | |
FudgeCallback | |
Refraction | |
Reflection | |
DepthClampCallback | DepthClampCallback enables GL_DEPTH_CLAMP for the current draw, if supported |
Water | Water rendering |
WeaponAnimationTime | |
WeaponAnimation | Handles attach & release of projectiles for ranged weapons |
MWScript | MW-specific script extensions and integration of the script system into OpenMW |
Ai | AI-related script functionality |
OpAiActivate | |
OpAiTravel | |
OpAiEscort | |
OpAiEscortCell | |
OpGetAiPackageDone | |
OpAiWander | |
OpGetAiSetting | |
OpModAiSetting | |
OpSetAiSetting | |
OpAiFollow | |
OpAiFollowCell | |
OpGetCurrentAIPackage | |
OpGetDetected | |
OpGetLineOfSight | |
OpGetTarget | |
OpStartCombat | |
OpStopCombat | |
OpToggleAI | |
OpFace | |
Animation | |
OpSkipAnim | |
OpPlayAnim | |
OpLoopAnim | |
Cell | Cell-related script functionality |
OpCellChanged | |
OpCOC | |
OpCOE | |
OpGetInterior | |
OpGetPCCell | |
OpGetWaterLevel | |
OpSetWaterLevel | |
OpModWaterLevel | |
Console | Script functionality limited to the console |
Container | Container-related script functionality (chests, NPCs, creatures) |
OpAddItem | |
OpGetItemCount | |
OpRemoveItem | |
OpEquip | |
OpGetArmorType | |
OpHasItemEquipped | |
OpHasSoulGem | |
OpGetWeaponType | |
Control | Player controls-related script functionality |
OpSetControl | |
OpGetDisabled | |
OpToggleCollision | |
OpClearMovementFlag | |
OpSetMovementFlag | |
OpGetForceRun | |
OpGetForceJump | |
OpGetForceMoveJump | |
OpGetForceSneak | |
OpGetPcRunning | |
OpGetPcSneaking | |
Dialogue | Dialogue/Journal-related script functionality |
OpJournal | |
OpSetJournalIndex | |
OpGetJournalIndex | |
OpAddTopic | |
OpChoice | |
OpForceGreeting | |
OpGoodbye | |
OpModReputation | |
OpSetReputation | |
OpGetReputation | |
OpSameFaction | |
OpModFactionReaction | |
OpGetFactionReaction | |
OpSetFactionReaction | |
OpClearInfoActor | |
Gui | GUI-related script functionality |
OpEnableWindow | |
OpEnableRest | |
OpShowRestMenu | |
OpShowDialogue | |
OpGetButtonPressed | |
OpToggleFogOfWar | |
OpToggleFullHelp | |
OpShowMap | |
OpFillMap | |
OpMenuTest | |
OpToggleMenus | |
Misc | |
OpPlayBink | |
OpGetPcSleep | |
OpGetPcJumping | |
OpWakeUpPc | |
OpXBox | |
OpOnActivate | |
OpActivate | |
OpLock | |
OpUnlock | |
OpToggleCollisionDebug | |
OpToggleCollisionBoxes | |
OpToggleWireframe | |
OpTogglePathgrid | |
OpFadeIn | |
OpFadeOut | |
OpFadeTo | |
OpToggleWater | |
OpToggleWorld | |
OpDontSaveObject | |
OpPcForce1stPerson | |
OpPcForce3rdPerson | |
OpPcGet3rdPerson | |
OpToggleVanityMode | |
OpGetLocked | |
OpGetEffect | |
OpAddSoulGem | |
OpRemoveSoulGem | |
OpDrop | |
OpDropSoulGem | |
OpGetAttacked | |
OpGetWeaponDrawn | |
OpGetSpellReadied | |
OpGetSpellEffects | |
OpGetCurrentTime | |
OpSetDelete | |
OpGetSquareRoot | |
OpFall | |
OpGetStandingPc | |
OpGetStandingActor | |
OpGetCollidingPc | |
OpGetCollidingActor | |
OpHurtStandingActor | |
OpHurtCollidingActor | |
OpGetWindSpeed | |
OpHitOnMe | |
OpHitAttemptOnMe | |
OpEnableTeleporting | |
OpEnableLevitation | |
OpShow | |
OpShowVars | |
OpToggleScripts | |
OpToggleGodMode | |
OpCast | |
OpExplodeSpell | |
OpGoToJail | |
OpPayFine | |
OpPayFineThief | |
OpGetPcInJail | |
OpGetPcTraveling | |
OpBetaComment | |
OpAddToLevCreature | |
OpRemoveFromLevCreature | |
OpAddToLevItem | |
OpRemoveFromLevItem | |
Sky | Sky-related script functionality |
OpToggleSky | |
OpTurnMoonWhite | |
OpTurnMoonRed | |
OpGetMasserPhase | |
OpGetSecundaPhase | |
OpGetCurrentWeather | |
OpChangeWeather | |
OpModRegion | |
Sound | |
OpSay | |
OpSayDone | |
OpStreamMusic | |
OpPlaySound | |
OpPlaySoundVP | |
OpPlaySound3D | |
OpPlaySoundVP3D | |
OpStopSound | |
OpGetSoundPlaying | |
Stats | Stats-related script functionality (creatures and NPCs) |
OpGetLevel | |
OpSetLevel | |
OpGetAttribute | |
OpSetAttribute | |
OpModAttribute | |
OpGetDynamic | |
OpSetDynamic | |
OpModDynamic | |
OpModCurrentDynamic | |
OpGetDynamicGetRatio | |
OpGetSkill | |
OpSetSkill | |
OpModSkill | |
OpGetPCCrimeLevel | |
OpSetPCCrimeLevel | |
OpModPCCrimeLevel | |
OpAddSpell | |
OpRemoveSpell | |
OpRemoveSpellEffects | |
OpRemoveEffects | |
OpGetSpell | |
OpPCJoinFaction | |
OpPCRaiseRank | |
OpPCLowerRank | |
OpGetPCRank | |
OpModDisposition | |
OpSetDisposition | |
OpGetDisposition | |
OpGetDeadCount | |
OpGetPCFacRep | |
OpSetPCFacRep | |
OpModPCFacRep | |
OpGetCommonDisease | |
OpGetBlightDisease | |
OpGetRace | |
OpGetWerewolfKills | |
OpPcExpelled | |
OpPcExpell | |
OpPcClearExpelled | |
OpRaiseRank | |
OpLowerRank | |
OpOnDeath | |
OpOnMurder | |
OpOnKnockout | |
OpIsWerewolf | |
OpSetWerewolf | |
OpSetWerewolfAcrobatics | |
OpResurrect | |
OpGetStat | |
OpGetMagicEffect | |
OpSetMagicEffect | |
OpModMagicEffect | |
MagicEffect | |
Transformation | Stats-related script functionality (creatures and NPCs) |
OpSetScale | |
OpGetScale | |
OpModScale | |
OpSetAngle | |
OpGetStartingAngle | |
OpGetAngle | |
OpGetPos | |
OpSetPos | |
OpGetStartingPos | |
OpPositionCell | |
OpPosition | |
OpPlaceItemCell | |
OpPlaceItem | |
OpPlaceAt | |
OpRotate | |
OpRotateWorld | |
OpSetAtStart | |
OpMove | |
OpMoveWorld | |
OpResetActors | |
OpFixme | |
User | Temporary script functionality limited to the console |
OpUser1 | |
OpUser2 | |
OpUser3 | |
OpUser4 | |
CompilerContext | |
GlobalScriptDesc | |
GlobalScripts | |
InterpreterContext | |
Locals | |
ExplicitRef | |
ImplicitRef | |
ScriptManager | |
MWSound | Sound & music |
FFmpeg_Decoder | |
Sound_Loudness | |
MWSoundDecoderBridge | |
MovieAudioDecoder | |
MovieAudioFactory | |
OpenAL_SoundStream | |
OpenAL_Output | |
StreamThread | |
Sound | |
Stream | |
Sound_Buffer | |
Sound_Decoder | |
Sound_Output | |
SoundManager | |
MWState | |
Slot | |
Character | |
CharacterManager | |
StateManager | |
MWWorld | World data |
Action | Abstract base for actions |
ActionAlchemy | |
ActionApply | |
ActionApplyWithSkill | |
ActionDoor | |
ActionEat | |
ActionEquip | |
ActionOpen | |
ActionRead | |
ActionRepair | |
ActionSoulgem | |
ActionTake | |
ActionTalk | |
ActionTeleport | |
ActionTrap | |
ListModelsVisitor | |
PreloadItem | Worker thread item: preload models in a cell |
UpdateCacheItem | Worker thread item: update the resource system's cache, effectively deleting unused entries |
CellPreloader | |
PreloadEntry | |
CellRef | Encapsulated variant of ESM::CellRef with change tracking |
CellRefList | Collection of references of one type |
Cells | Cell container |
MergeVisitor | |
SearchVisitor | |
CellStore | Mutable state of a cell |
GetCellStoreCallback | |
ListAndResetObjectsVisitor | |
Class | Base class for referenceable esm records |
ContainerStoreListener | |
ContainerStore | |
ContainerStoreIterator | Iteration over a subset of objects in a ContainerStore |
ContentLoader | |
CustomData | Base class for the MW-class-specific part of RefData |
EsmLoader | |
ESMStore | |
FailedAction | |
Globals | |
InventoryStoreListener | Variant of the ContainerStore for NPCs |
InventoryStore | |
EffectParams | |
LiveCellRefBase | Used to create pointers to hold any type of LiveCellRef<> object |
LiveCellRef | |
LocalScripts | List of active local scripts |
ManualRef | Manually constructed live cell ref |
NullAction | Action: do nothing |
Player | NPC object representing the player and additional player data |
RotateCallback | Rotates an osg::PositionAttitudeTransform over time |
ProjectileManager | |
MagicBoltState | |
ProjectileState | |
State | |
Ptr | Pointer to a LiveCellRef |
ConstPtr | Pointer to a const LiveCellRef |
RecordCmp | |
RefData | |
ListFastTravelDestinationsVisitor | |
Scene | |
RecordId | |
StoreBase | |
IndexedStore | |
SharedIterator | |
Store | |
Store< ESM::LandTexture > | |
Store< ESM::Land > | |
Store< ESM::Cell > | |
DynamicExtCmp | |
Store< ESM::Pathgrid > | |
Store< ESM::Skill > | |
Store< ESM::MagicEffect > | |
Store< ESM::Attribute > | |
TimeStamp | In-game time stamp |
TimeOfDaySettings | |
TimeOfDayInterpolator | |
Weather | Defines a single weather setting (according to INI) |
RegionWeather | A class for storing a region's weather |
MoonModel | A class that acts as a model for the moons |
WeatherManager | Interface for weather settings |
GameContentLoader | |
FindContainerVisitor | |
GetDoorMarkerVisitor | |
GetContainersOwnedByVisitor | |
ListObjectsVisitor | |
AddDetectedReferenceVisitor | |
ResetActorsVisitor | |
World | The game world and its visual representation |
MyGUI | |
Nif | This file holds the main classes of NIF Records used by everything else |
Extra | |
Controller | |
Controlled | Anything that has a controller |
Named | Has name, extra-data and controller |
NiSourceTexture | |
NiParticleGrowFade | |
NiParticleColorModifier | |
NiGravity | |
NiPlanarCollider | |
NiSphericalCollider | |
NiParticleRotation | |
NiParticleSystemController | |
Particle | |
NiMaterialColorController | |
NiPathController | |
NiUVController | |
NiKeyframeController | |
NiAlphaController | |
NiGeomMorpherController | |
NiVisController | |
NiFlipController | |
ShapeData | |
NiTriShapeData | |
NiAutoNormalParticlesData | |
NiRotatingParticlesData | |
NiPosData | |
NiUVData | |
NiFloatData | |
NiPixelData | |
Mipmap | |
NiColorData | |
NiVisData | |
VisData | |
NiSkinInstance | |
NiSkinData | |
BoneInfo | |
VertWeight | |
NiMorphData | |
MorphData | |
NiKeyframeData | |
NiDynamicEffect | |
NiLight | |
NiPointLight | |
NiSpotLight | |
NiTextureEffect | |
NiVertWeightsExtraData | |
NiTextKeyExtraData | |
TextKey | |
NiStringExtraData | |
RecordFactoryEntry | |
NIFFile | |
KeyT | |
KeyMapT | |
NIFStream | |
Matrix3 | |
Transformation | |
Node | |
NiNode | |
NiTriShape | |
NiCamera | |
Camera | |
NiAutoNormalParticles | |
NiRotatingParticles | |
NiSwitchNode | |
NiLODNode | |
LODRange | |
Property | |
NiTexturingProperty | |
Texture | |
NiFogProperty | |
NiShadeProperty | |
NiDitherProperty | |
NiZBufferProperty | |
NiSpecularProperty | |
NiWireframeProperty | |
StructPropT | |
S_MaterialProperty | |
S_VertexColorProperty | |
S_AlphaProperty | |
S_StencilProperty | |
NiAlphaProperty | |
NiMaterialProperty | |
NiVertexColorProperty | |
NiStencilProperty | |
Record | Base class for all records |
RecordPtrT | |
RecordListT | |
NifBullet | |
BulletNifLoader | |
NifOsg | |
ValueInterpolator | |
LerpFunc | |
QuaternionSlerpFunc | |
ControllerFunction | |
GeomMorpherController | Must be set on an osgAnimation::MorphGeometry |
KeyframeController | |
UVController | |
VisController | |
AlphaController | |
MaterialColorController | |
FlipController | |
ParticleSystemController | |
LoaderImpl | |
CompareMaterial | |
TextKeyMapHolder | |
KeyframeHolder | |
Loader | |
ParticleSystem | |
ParticleAgeSetter | |
InverseWorldMatrix | |
ParticleShooter | |
PlanarCollider | |
SphericalCollider | |
GrowFadeAffector | |
ParticleColorAffector | |
GravityAffector | |
FindGroupByRecIndex | |
Emitter | |
NodeUserData | |
OIS | |
OMW | Integration of OpenMW-subsystems |
Engine | Main engine class, that brings together all the components of OpenMW |
osg | |
osgAnimation | |
osgDB | |
osgFX | |
osgMyGUI | |
AdditiveLayer | A Layer rendering with additive blend mode |
DataManager | |
CustomLogListener | Custom MyGUI::ILogListener interface implementation being able to portably handle UTF-8 encoded path |
LogFacility | Helper class holding data that required during MyGUI log creation |
Platform | |
Drawable | |
Batch | |
CollectDrawCalls | |
FrameUpdate | |
OSGVertexBuffer | |
RenderManager | |
OSGTexture | |
ProxyRenderTarget | ProxyRenderTarget allows to adjust the pixel scale and offset for a "source" render target |
ScalingLayer | A Layer that lays out and renders widgets in screen-relative coordinates. The "Size" property determines the size of the virtual screen, which is then upscaled to the real screen size during rendering. The aspect ratio is kept intact, adding blanks to the sides when necessary |
osgParticle | |
osgUtil | |
osgViewer | |
Process | |
ProcessInvoker | |
Resource | |
BulletShape | |
BulletShapeInstance | |
TriangleMeshShape | |
GetTriangleFunctor | |
NodeToShapeVisitor | Creates a BulletShape out of a Node hierarchy |
BulletShapeManager | |
ImageManager | Handles loading/caching of Images |
KeyframeManager | Managing of keyframe resources |
MultiObjectCache | Cache for "non reusable" objects |
NifFileHolder | |
NifFileManager | Handles caching of NIFFiles |
ObjectCache | |
ResourceManager | Base class for managers that require a virtual file system and object cache |
ResourceSystem | Wrapper class that constructs and provides access to the most commonly used resource subsystems |
SetFilterSettingsControllerVisitor | Set texture filtering settings on textures contained in a FlipController |
SetFilterSettingsVisitor | Set texture filtering settings on textures contained in StateSets |
ImageReadCallback | Callback to read image files from the VFS |
SceneManager | Handles loading and caching of scenes, e.g. .nif files or .osg files |
SceneUtil | |
CopyRigVisitor | |
CopyOp | |
ControllerSource | |
FrameTimeSource | |
ControllerFunction | |
Controller | |
ControllerVisitor | Pure virtual base class - visit() all controllers that are attached as UpdateCallbacks in a scene graph |
AssignControllerSourcesVisitor | |
FindMaxControllerLengthVisitor | Finds the maximum of all controller functions in the given scene graph |
LightController | Controller class to handle a pulsing and/or flickering light |
LightStateAttribute | |
CollectLightCallback | |
LightManagerUpdateCallback | |
LightSource | |
LightManager | Decorator node implementing the rendering of any number of LightSources that can be anywhere in the subgraph |
LightSourceTransform | |
LightSourceViewBound | |
LightListCallback | |
PositionAttitudeTransform | A customized version of osg::PositionAttitudeTransform optimized for speed. Uses single precision values. Also removed _pivotPoint which we don't need |
UpdateRigBounds | |
UpdateRigGeometry | |
DummyComputeBoundCallback | |
RigGeometry | Mesh skinning implementation |
InfluenceMap | |
InitBoneCacheVisitor | |
Bone | Defines a Bone hierarchy, used for updating of skeleton-space bone matrices |
Skeleton | Handles the bone matrices for any number of child RigGeometries |
StateSetUpdater | Implements efficient per-frame updating of StateSets |
CompositeStateSetUpdater | A variant of the StateSetController that can be made up of multiple controllers all controlling the same target |
UnrefWorkItem | |
UnrefQueue | Handles unreferencing of objects through the WorkQueue. Typical use scenario would be the main thread pushing objects that are no longer needed, and the background thread deleting them |
FindByNameVisitor | |
DisableFreezeOnCullVisitor | |
WorkItem | |
WorkQueue | A work queue that users can push work items onto, to be completed by one or more background threads |
WorkThread | Internally used by WorkQueue |
SDLUtil | |
MouseMotionEvent | |
MouseListener | |
KeyListener | |
ControllerListener | |
WindowListener | |
SDLCursorManager | |
GraphicsWindowSDL2 | |
WindowData | |
InputWrapper | A wrapper around SDL's event queue, mostly used for handling input-related events |
VideoWrapper | |
Settings | |
SettingsFileParser | |
Manager | Settings management (can change during runtime) |
SFO | |
Shader | |
ShaderManager | Reads shader template files and turns them into a concrete shader, based on a list of define's |
ShaderVisitor | Adjusts the given subgraph to render using shaders |
ShaderRequirements | |
Terrain | |
BufferCache | Implements creation and caching of vertex buffers for terrain chunks |
LayerInfo | |
TextureLayer | |
FixedFunctionTechnique | |
ShaderTechnique | |
Effect | |
Storage | We keep storage of terrain data abstract here since we need different implementations for game and editor |
TerrainGrid | Simple terrain implementation that loads cells in a grid, with no LOD |
World | The basic interface for a terrain world. How the terrain chunks are paged and displayed is up to the implementation |
ToUTF | Text encoding |
ToUTF8 | |
Utf8Encoder | |
Translation | |
Storage | |
Version | |
Version | |
VFS | |
File | |
Archive | |
BsaArchiveFile | |
BsaArchive | |
FileSystemArchiveFile | |
FileSystemArchive | |
Manager | The main class responsible for loading files from a virtual file system |
Video | |
Wizard | |
ComponentSelectionPage | |
ConclusionPage | |
ExistingInstallationPage | |
ImportPage | |
IniSettings | |
InstallationPage | |
InstallationTargetPage | |
IntroPage | |
LanguageSelectionPage | |
MainWizard | |
Installation | |
MethodSelectionPage | |
UnshieldWorker | |
Application | |
Arguments | |
btBvhTriangleMeshShape | |
btIDebugDraw | |
CaptureOperation | |
ComponentListWidget | |
ComputeBoundingBoxCallback | |
ComputeBoundingSphereCallback | |
ContentFileTest | Base class for tests of ESMStore that rely on external content files to produce the test results |
CullCallback | |
DrawCallback | |
DrawCallback | |
DrawCallback | |
ESMData | |
GetCellStoreCallback | |
input_filter | |
ISubWidget | |
KeywordSearchTest | |
LineEdit | |
LowLevelFile | |
MwIniImporter | |
Path | |
ProfilesComboBox | |
ComboBoxLineEdit | |
QAbstractItemDelegate | |
QAbstractItemModel | |
QAbstractProxyModel | |
QAbstractTableModel | |
QAction | |
QApplication | |
QDialog | |
QDockWidget | |
QDoubleSpinBox | |
QFrame | |
QListView | |
QListWidget | |
QMenu | |
QMessageBox | |
QMimeData | |
QObject | |
QPlainTextEdit | |
QScrollArea | |
QSortFilterProxyModel | |
QSpinBox | |
QStyledItemDelegate | |
QSyntaxHighlighter | |
QTableView | |
QTableWidget | |
QUndoCommand | |
QValidator | |
QWidget | |
QWizard | |
QWizardPage | |
SDL_MouseMotionEvent | |
sink | |
StoreTest | Base class for tests of ESMStore that do not rely on external content files |
Tee | |
UpdateCallback | |
Utf8Stream | |
WriteScreenshotToFileOperation | |